Saturday, March 24, 2012

Edwards no stranger to sex scandal

John Edwards is being called out again in a sex scandal. You remember the name John Edwards. A few years ago he was running for President. He later denied that he fathered a child with his videographer for his Presidential campaign. All this while his wife was battling cancer.

Then there was the coverup of the affair using campaign funds and a trial. Those funds were funds either raised or matched during the campaign for President.

Now comes word that Edwards was also involved with a prostitute RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the timeline of all of these events through a prostitution ring in New York City. Edwards is now being linked to the black book of Anna Gristina for a one- night event in 2007.

John Edwards involved in a sex scandal. Again.

Kind of a slow month for politicians making the news all the wrong reasons. So, we reach for former Presidential candidate John Edwards. Edwards is the first public figure identified as part of the prostitution ring run by Anna Gristina, the so called "Soccer Mom Madam".

Gristina is accused of running a 15 Million dollar call girl ring in NYC while also tending to her four kids and husband.

Edwards has issued vehement denials to the links that he had hired any prostitute or service and has demanded a retraction of the allegations.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

FBI Sting nets Illinois State Rep

State Rep. Derrick Smith was arrested following a 3 month sting operation, and I don't mean the guy from the Police, by the FBI.

In exchange for the a $7,000.00 bribe, Smith allegedly agreed to write a letter of recommendation for a fictional creation of the investigators.

Smith demanded the bribe in cash, which is probably a good idea so that there is no trace, unless of course the payer is the FBI. Smith is quoted as saying " I don't want no trace of it" according to the complaint.

Bribery Pays Off in Election Win

Illinois lawmaker Derrick Smith won a primary election tonight in a battle for a State lawmaker position despite being accused of bribery.

Just last week, an undercover FBI recording caught the Lawmaker accepting a $7,000.00 cash bribe.

Despite being arrested by the FBI last week, Smith won his election by more than a 2 to 1 margin.

Since the arrest, Smith has refused calls to resign and has refused to comment on the arrest. Maybe this is a new way to win elections: Get arrested before the election and instead of talking to everyone, refuse to comment on the arrest as if it didn't happen and crush your opponent 2 to 1.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Federal Grand Jury subpoenas D.C. Council

There is a widening federal probe into campaign finance irregularities involving some Washington D.C. Council members. A Federal Grand Jury has subpoenaed some of these D.C. Council members for records relating to political donations from the city's largest contractor.

The subpoenas have been sent to campaigns who have received contributions over the past 2 years from Jeffrey E. Thompson. These include Mayor Vincent C. Gray's for his 2010 mayoral campaign and Council Member Vincent B. Orange's (D-At large).

Allegations swirl over irregularities in money-order donations (who uses money orders anymore) that possibly violate campaign finance laws . The subpoena asks for an explanation into last years $26,000 in money-order and cashier's check donations to Vincent B. Orange's campaign from donors tied to Thompson. (now we understand)

Last time we checked, you could only get $500.00 as the maximum money order and each one cost a few bucks. For some $26,000.00 of money orders, you have to get in the 7-11 line early in the day to beat the lotto people.

The subpoena also seeks all documents from Chartered Health Plan, a Thompson-run company, which has a $322 million city contract.

Continue here for the full story.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

BP Marty Markowitz Calls For Clarification Following $20K Fine

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz got slapped with a $20,000 fine Monday for bringing his wife on several free trips abroad.

The city’s Conflicts of Interest Board fined Markowitz for taking his wife on trips to Turkey in 2007 and 2009 and to the Netherlands, also in 2009, despite having been told he had to pay for her expenses.

Markowitz said the trips were paid for and requested by the foreign countries and added that it’s protocol to bring one’s spouse.

Source NY1 Continue reading This Article here

Destino: "My agenda is not hidden"

There is apparently no truth to the rumor that Niagara Falls School Board Member and former mayoral candidate Johnny Destino is attempting to recruit a candidate to run against fellow Member Vincent “Jimmy” Cancemi. In fact, Destino addressed himself to the subject in a recent interview:

“Jimmy was instrumental in helping me during my candidacy for mayor last year,” he points out. “I wouldn’t go behind his back to frustrate his chances of winning re-election. One thing I’ve learned is to never believe the rumor mill. I invite anyone who wants to know what I’m doing to contact me either by phone or e-mail. My agenda is not hidden and I’ve been outspoken from day one about my desire to change the way the school district operates.

To contact Johnny Destino call 284-6616 or click on to info@johnnydestino .com.

Jon vs. Bill Part 1

Italy crisis: Silvio Berlusconi resigns as PM

President Giorgio Napolitano is likely to appoint technocrat Mario Monti as his successor.
Mr Berlusconi lost his majority amid an acute debt crisis that threatens the eurozone. He promised to go once MPs had approved new austerity measures.
Crowds celebrated outside the presidential palace, shouting "buffoon" as he entered.
The BBC's Alan Johnston in Rome says Mr Berlusconi's last journey as prime minister was an undignified one.
Police struggled to control a large, hostile crowd which booed and jeered as his convoy swept by, and after his resignation he left by a side exit to avoid the protesters.

Protesters outside Palazzo Grazzioli in Rome, 12 November 2011

He said he felt "embittered" after hearing the insults.
Mr Berlusconi is Italy's longest-serving post-war prime minister. His premiership has recently been marred by many scandals.

On Sale Now: John Edwards Mugshot Hair Products

John Edwards Mugshot

Former senator and Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards' mug shot was released on Wednesday, following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Edwards pleaded not guilty earlier this month to federal charges that he solicited and used campaign contributions to hide his mistress and their baby.

Among the charges for which he has been indicted include four counts of illegal campaign contributions, conspiracy and making false statements in connection with a cover-up of his extramarital affair.
Speaking outside the federal courthouse after his June 3 arraignment, the former North Carolina senator admitted to wrongdoing - but maintained that his actions, however unethical, were not illegal.

"There's no question that I've done wrong, and I take full responsibility for having done wrong," he said. "And I will regret for the rest of my life the pain and the harm that I've caused to others."
"But I did not break the law, and I never, ever thought I was breaking the law," Edwards said.
Edwards was offered a misdemeanor plea deal before the indictment, but the deal reportedly fell through because Edwards and his team wanted a chance to make his case for an alternative to prison time, such as home arrest.

His Name is Newt

Trojan's Spokesman