Wednesday, March 14, 2012

On Sale Now: John Edwards Mugshot Hair Products

John Edwards Mugshot

Former senator and Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards' mug shot was released on Wednesday, following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Edwards pleaded not guilty earlier this month to federal charges that he solicited and used campaign contributions to hide his mistress and their baby.

Among the charges for which he has been indicted include four counts of illegal campaign contributions, conspiracy and making false statements in connection with a cover-up of his extramarital affair.
Speaking outside the federal courthouse after his June 3 arraignment, the former North Carolina senator admitted to wrongdoing - but maintained that his actions, however unethical, were not illegal.

"There's no question that I've done wrong, and I take full responsibility for having done wrong," he said. "And I will regret for the rest of my life the pain and the harm that I've caused to others."
"But I did not break the law, and I never, ever thought I was breaking the law," Edwards said.
Edwards was offered a misdemeanor plea deal before the indictment, but the deal reportedly fell through because Edwards and his team wanted a chance to make his case for an alternative to prison time, such as home arrest.

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